Friday, October 26, 2012

LBHS Staff Embrace Technology

It's enjoyable when staff members show enthusiasm for technology integration.  A few staff members have recently shared some of the things they have been working on.

Mrs. Morella has created a for her classes.  Uploaded photos, class newsletters, and class recipes are just a few of the links on her webpage.  You can she what she has on her site below:

Mrs. Teders has integrated a Moodle Chat into her classroom and had success.  She said, "While my students were researching and working on a paper with the mobile labtops, I had them log in to Moodle and join a chat and discuss different things they were finding online. They seemed to enjoy it, and I monitored and added to the chat as well. Yeah!"

Mr. Shank has utilized his since the beginning of the year.  He's recently added a link for those students desiring extra problems in preparation for the ACT.  You can see his site below:

If you are interested in sharing some of your instructional strategies, please contact Mr. Ben Gerken.  Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Spanish Presentations

     The students in Mrs. Spiegel's Spanish 4 class gave presentations this week on their summer activities.  Mackenzie gave a presentation on her trip to the Dominican Republic with Mission Possible.  The presentation was given entirely in Spanish, and the class enjoyed the discussion of Mackenzie's activities.  In the audience were Moise Sam, Ruth Sam, and Tara McBride.  Moise and Ruth are from the Dominican Republic.  Moise serves as pastor of his church in the DR, and he and Ruth serve on the Mission Possible board, along with Tara McBride, who is from the Findlay area.
  After the presentation, Mrs. Spiegel had the Spanish 4 & 5 classes sit in a circle, and each student introduced and told a little about themselves to their guests (of course in Spanish).  Moises and Ruth were impressed with the Spanish abilities of the class!
  Below is a picture of the slide presentation by Mackenzie:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Help with Objectives

 The website link below provides some additional information on writing good objectives.  At the website, you will find information about the following:

Keep up the good work!


Friday, August 31, 2012

Mr. Shank implemented "Flipped Fridays" today, 8/31/12.  He had his classes view a video on the lesson he wanted to cover as a Thursday night assignment, and he had the students fill out a "WIPit" form.

"WIPit" stands for:
 "Watch it, Internalize it, Ponder it"
The students filled out the form to keep them actively engaged as they watched the video.

I'm excited and curious to see how things went with this.  You can follow Mr. Shank on Twitter @JUSTIN_SHANK.

The website he uses for his math classes is:
Click on a class (Algebra 2 or Pre-Calculus) and see how he has his class information organized on his site.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The first meeting for the L-B staff is on August 20, 2012.  I will post some of the awesome things happening at Liberty-Benton High School in this blog.